Sonic the Hedgehog is a luxurious version of an already exemplary game. In addition, this modernization has redefined the image to fit a widescreen resolution without losing the 16-bit look, and even provides remastered soundtrack if you would rather that than the old chiptune beats. However you play, the touchscreen action feels great. The classic Sega game now has a Time Trial mode, which invites you to compete with friends to be the fastest to finish levels. That's not all, Sonic the Hedgehog has also been adapted for the new social era. These do not simply offer a new look to the playable character, but also provide unique abilities to help you advance through the adventure. Sonic the Hedgehog for Android and iOS begins by offering new ways to explore levels in the form of Sonic's friends, Tails and Knuckles. What advantages does playing Sonic on a mobile or tablet bring? Well, plenty it turns out. Sonic the Hedgehog for mobile (and the Apple TV version) has not only nailed the classic playability, but also kept the aesthetics of the original 1991 Sega Mega Drive/Genesis version: beautiful, big, pixelated sprites drip with charisma, and the music will keep you humming its melodies for hours.

remember this is a classic platformer, and can get really challenging in the later stages. Combining these actions and coordinating them as your rush through levels is the only way to make it through. To control all of this there is a virtual stick that allows you to run left and right, plus a single button to jump.